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​​Pre Construction

Are you looking to equip your home or business with solar panels? Good idea! Book your free consultation to plan solar panels into home or business property. We will are happy to arrange a consultation at your property or have meeting to find out your requirements at our office.


Post Construction

Most of our clients book our service and installation after buying or building their house. That is no problem, we have solutions for almost every building or setup! 

Our experienced experts will make an appointment with you on site. They will observe the building and setup and will work out a tailor made solution, exactly what you want and how you want it for your Solar Energy supply and setup. 



How does a solar installation with us work ?

First and most important we will take your requirements and consult you on the best solution for your specific situation.

You will save money even if you decide to not install them right at the start. We will help you at the construction planning and tell you what things should have your attention.

There are multiple types of possible solar installations for various situations, we will discuss your requirements and explain the positive or negative sides of every solution.

How does a solar installation with us work?

There are several types of possible solar installations for various different situations and purposes.

Our experienced technicians will discuss your requirements and expectations and explain to you the benefits and disadvantages of the different solar systems and solar options.

Our technicians will consult you on the spot and take note of your requirements and will suggest the optimal and available solutions for your individual case.

We will provide you with our quotation and offer shortly after the consultation and work through all specifications with you together.

Our plan and what to expect

# Steps
1 Discussing & determining your requirements
2 On-Site Consultation
3 Detailed quotation with efficiency plan included
4 Arrange all parts, we are well-stocked (mostly no need to order parts). Therefore, most projects can be completed efficiently and quickly.
5 Preparing the building for installation
6 Installation
7 Inspection
8 Final Review & handover to you (our experts will explain monitoring and maintenance to you)


In case there is any issue or problem with your solar installation, we are right here for you! Contact us to arrange an on site visit of our technician to investigate the issue. Online monitoring of your solar system is standard for all our installations. You can monitor and check your system on the go – any time – anywhere!

If only one unit is faulty or inefficient, it will affect all other panels too. All panels will reduce their output to the weakest member, so early detection, repair or replacement of defective or broken panels is crucial. We will introduce the whole system and the maintenance procedures and tasks to you at the time of completing the installation. Now you can decide if you want to maintain and clean the solar system yourself, or if you prefer to lean back – no problem! We are happy to service and maintain your solar system for you. 


The operations tasks are depending on the kind of solar installation you decide on. Each system has slightly different operational-related tasks.

Monitoring the generation rate of your system is crucial to be able to detect problems before they grow and make your installation inefficient or useless. Typical problems include:

  • Stained/Dirty Solar Panels
  • Defective or Damaged Solar Panels
  • Cable Issues & Faulty Wiring
  • Overgrowing or Shadowing

Generally, faulty wiring is not a problem when SunPower Asia has wired your installation. We are experts in solar installations and wiring is a fundamental task in which our technicians are well trained.

Stained or dirty panels can occur and are usually not an issue. We install the panel at a 15° angle to optimize efficiency and at the same time ensure automatic cleaning through the rain. In case there are longer dry periods without rain, the panel might have some dust and dirt covering, which will reduce the output and efficiency of the installation. In this case, we recommend cleaning the solar panels or solar tiles manually.

Shadowing can be avoided and determined prior to installation. We will check the movement of the sun over your property and find the ideal area and angle for the installation. With this data, we will calculate the realistic output and effectiveness of your solar installation.

inspection & Repair

Once we have completed the installation and setup of your solar system, we will give you a detailed introduction to the operational and maintenance tasks which need to be executed on a frequent basis.

Should there be any problem, issues or questions arise – please contact us at any time. Our team will then investigate the problem and will give you our quotation for repairs or replacement parts needed. 

We work only with the highest quality materials and professional, well trained technicians for your guaranteed satisfaction!


You’ve heard that solar energy is good for the environment, but have you ever wondered why or how?

In this article, we’ll look at the different environmental benefits of solar energy to help you better understand the impact that renewable energy has.

Benefits Of Solar Energy To The Environment

There are plenty of different reasons why solar energy is so advantageous. There are some financial benefits to solar, such as savings through lowering your electric bill. There are some other benefits and advantages as well. Some people just like the idea of being green and more energy independent. They like that they don’t have to depend as much on the grid for their energy needs.

But some of the best benefits of solar energy are the way it impacts the environmental.

Here are five of the environmental benefits of renewable solar energy.


1. Reduces Air Pollution

Fossil fuels create a lot of pollutants. If you’ve ever been to California, New York, China, or anyplace whose geography consists of mountains and valleys, you’ve seen what dirty air looks like.

Smog, dirty air, is bad for the environment, it’s bad for our health, and it’s bad for aesthetics. When pollutants get trapped in the air, everything just looks worse.

Solar panels help get rid of air pollution. Your solar panels create clean energy that won’t contribute to air pollution.


2. Reduce Water Usage

If your energy source doesn’t use fossil fuels to power itself, it probably uses some sort of water as its resource. Hydropower and nuclear energy both use a lot of water to produce electricity. Often a dam will need to be built to control the water flow and electricity production. With dams, there’s the problem that damming water will have a significant impact on the local ecosystem.

Solar panels create energy without water nor a negative impact on the ecosystem. In fact, the US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy believes that solar energy systems could help drop water consumption in at least 36 states. This would help solve our water scarcity issue.



3. Reduces Dependence On Nonrenewable Energy Sources

We already mentioned how some people enjoy solar energy because they like being green and energy independent. But solar can also help reduce our dependence on nonrenewable sources of energy such as fossil fuels. This is great for so many reasons.

First and foremost, those nonrenewable energy resources create a lot of the pollutants that negatively impact our air quality. Second, nonrenewable resources are nonrenewable because they will, eventually, run out. The sooner and more fully we can make the transition to renewable energy, the better for both the environment and our species.


4. Improves Humanity’s Health In The Long-run

We’ve already mentioned how the US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy believes that a solar energy system can help us reduce water scarcity, but in that same report, the office also estimates that cleaner air could have a positive effect on mankind’s health. In fact, they estimate that we could save more than 25,000 lives.

That’s because with cleaner air comes cleaner lungs.


5. Helps Fight Climate Change

Last but not least, there’s the issue of climate change. The continual dump of pollutants and additional CO2 into the air, costs our planet. It makes it harder and harder for the environment to clean the air. As the carbon count continues to increase, so will our retention of heat from the sun. These changing air conditions will continue to have an effect on different climates, causing some to warm, others to cool, and causing weather patterns everywhere to become more sudden and volatile.

Scientists and climatologists have created a large body of work, which includes experiments, climate models, and research. That there is now a general consensus among these professionals that we need a renewable energy project to stem the tide of climate change.

Solar energy is one of the ways we can try to prevent the effects of climate change. By reducing our CO2 emissions, and releasing fewer pollutants in the air, we can all do our part to slow down climate change.

Contact us today for a free consultation!

 Give us a call or e-mail us and we happily invite you to our showroom or
visit your property and we give you a FREE assessment !




Opposite Big C Samui
171/7 Ko Samui District, Surat Thani 84320

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m: +66 (0) 822 080 225 

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